Thursday, October 15, 2009

Where did it all begin?

What was there before?


  1. i think it never ended.. like the world is just repeating itself and that we as humans can only get as far and peice by peice we destroy the earth which ultimatly destroys everything and then builds itself up again and starts over.

  2. I will not try to sway people in their opinion, as I know they are firm, however, I would like to pose a new question, can we afford to be talking about this? I watched the full version of this movie but I believe these clips from the movie "Expelled" are good discussion starters. I will point out that no one has to watch these youtube videos if they don't want to; No one is forcing you to.

  3. Tom me, the World is the product of science and nothing else. To me, Darwin had an idea that was later supported by genetics. But the key word there is, me. You ask me to explain where that little dot of matter that happened before the Big Bang came from. I ask you were a so called "intelligent creator" came from. My big qualm with intelligent design is that it is so deeply rooted in religion. It offers no alternative to God, or some kind of religious deity, for intelligent designers. So, I believe religious people are trying to force their beliefs onto science. They found a way in intelligent design. I believe the Universe was a tiny dot, then chemical reaction after chemical reaction caused life. Life then followed its path in natural selection. The Nova Movie..Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial

  4. I believe that God is the ultimate creator of the universe. I do not know how He did it, and I probably will not while still on this Earth. Maybe God made it in literally a week. Maybe Darwin was right, because a day for God is not necessarily the same amount of time we concider a day. A week for Him could be a million years to us, and He used evolution to make the animals. As for where it all started. It didn't. God always had existed, and always will exist. This idea is impossible for humans to comprehend, which is what makes it a matter of faith. I put my trust completely in God and my religion. I doubt very much if God will be scientifically proven to exist, or my religion proven to be the only right one. I am willing to put my faith in what I believe, even if others think my reasoning insane. Others are allowed to think whatever they want to think. If someone thinks an Easter Bunny came along and created the Earth, I don't believe their right, but I will respect their right to have their own opinion. And, if someone thinks the Easter Bunny made the Earth, there is not much chance that their opinion will be swayed by anyone's opinion, whether it is supported by proof or not. Religion is technically not reasonable, so arguing about this is futile.

  5. One thing Harper, didn't we just disprove spontaneous generation in biology the other day? and for where the intelligent creator came from, the question still stands where did the speck come from? You can't answer a question with another question. In both instances I suppose it's based on what you believe or in other words it's relative.

  6. Susan, according to Genesis, the Lord formed EVERY beast of the field and EVERY bird of the air, all types. He couldn't have made them using evolution because evolution teaches that animals and birds evolve over a long period of time to form new species. He didn't just make a few birds that multiplied and evolved to form different types over time. 'Every bird of the air and every beast of the field', all types, were formed at once. Also, every type of tree was grown that exists.

    'So out of the ground the LORD God formed EVERY beast of the field and EVERY bird of the air...' Genesis 2:19

    'And out of the ground the LORD God made to grow EVERY tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food...' Genesis chapter 2:9

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I peronally am slightly neuatral on this topic, as well as many other controversal topics. I do have religious beliefs, however I hear it many times in church that religious things cannot be proven, so of course the scientific route to things such as the beginning of the earth, and the universe, is more easier to believe for many people. If I gained more knowledge on the topic, I think I would create a stronger opinion, however there are points to both sides. For me to fathom the very beginning of everything is difficult. There are so many theories that some don't know what to believe. Upon reading the other comments more, I see the debate of whether this topic is a matter of science, or faith.

  9. I have been raised into family that went to church every sunday and believed in God but i will say my beliefshave altered due to the fact that too much can be questioned when it come to religion. Do i believe god is the creator of everything, I know that the universe is to complex to attempt to understand but there are scientific theories and explanations for almost everything we question, where as religion cannot be tested, its uncertian and has no proof other than belief. The bible may state that God created every bird and every tree, but i have to disagree, for the fact that on earth today, we have discovered species that we not around 100 years ago, and have been created by evouluotion. I believe in a strictloy scientific route, because the proof is there to support the theories and hypothesis'.


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